Professional Learning

Cybersecurity for Educators – How to Become a Human Firewall

Technology efforts in response to COVID-19 have demonstrated the need for schools across Michigan to continually grow cybersecurity practices to protect student information and secure school network infrastructure from active threats. To support these efforts MAISA worked with the Michigan Educational Technology Leaders (METL) Cybersecurity Taskforce to enhance the “Essential Cybersecurity Practices for K12” through offering online professional learning opportunities.

Course #1: How to Become a Human Firewall (Part 1)


  • Explain how human error is the biggest threat to cybersecurity and the critical role that you play.
  • List key terms and concepts for basic cybersecurity.
  • Create a strong password and express the reasons for utilizing unique credentials.
  • Check web links and emails for legitimacy and be able to confidently identify “Phishing” threats.
  • Explain what 2-factor or Multi-factor Authentication is and how it increases security.
  • Evaluate whether a connection is secure or not, and how a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can keep your data safe.

Course #2: How to Become a Human Firewall (Part 2)


  • Explain how human error is the biggest threat to cybersecurity and the critical role that you play.
  • List key terms and concepts for basic cybersecurity.
  • Identify Personally Identifiable Information (PII), be able to determine the proper methods for sharing PII, as well as identifying what individuals should have access to it.
  • Identify and utilize safe methods for Sharing Data Securely, and understand the federal law that covers protecting student data.
  • Recognize, Respond and Reporting – Identify the cybercriminal “Red Flags” and be comfortable in sharing possible breaches with the proper IT personnel, and doing so in a timely manner.

To access courses using the link below, you will need an EduPaths account and be logged in.

MiConnect Cybersecurity Virtual Summit

On December 10-11, 2020 MAISA worked with the Michigan Educational Technology Leaders (METL) Cybersecurity Taskforce to enhance the “Essential Cybersecurity Practices for K12” by conducting a virtual cybersecurity summit.  This summit offered strands for both technical staff as well as practitioners.

Cybersecurity Virtual Summit:

Use the link below to stream the Virtual Cybersecurity Summit videos on

Use the link below to view Virtual Cybersecurity Summit session grid using Google Drive.